[Trevor and Kelly]

Kelly and Trevor are getting got married

September 17th – September 20th, 2015
Boulder, Colorado

Thanks to everyone who participated in our wedding celebration! These things already happened; this page is around as an archive.


We’d like to spend some quality time with our friends and family as we celebrate the next phase of our lives, so we’re scheduling events over several days. Save the dates and mark your calendar! Attend one or attend ‘em all. Schedule of events:

See the events page for more details. Note that the mailed invitations incorrectly said "Sunday" for the reception.

Learn more about the symbolism of yin, yang, and the I Ching as used in our ceremony.

Please fill out this interest form (even if you’re not sure you can make it) so we can send you a formal invitation this summer with locations and other instructions.
Want to give us a gift? Here's a guide.
Got questions? Email wedding @ trevorstone.org or call either of us.

If you can't make it to our wedding, we would still love to spend time with you. Let us know when would be a good time for a visit and let's spend a few days having fun.


The wedding ceremony will involve walking across mostly-level ground in a park. Make sure your shoes can handle that. We'll also have a big Chinese dragon you can dance around in if you'd like.
The reception will feature square and contra dancing with a live caller. You can learn about contra dancing or give it a try thanks to CFOOTMAD, the Colorado Friends of Old Time Music and Dance. If you're more of a visual learner, watch these videos.

[Trevor and Kelly… again]