The Cube
| rAnDoM
| - true random numbers
| Zeropaid - filesharing
| Ardantane - NM Wicca College
| Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainance
| Logotype Free - corporate logos
| GUI Toolkit, Frameworks
| NewEgg - rec by Ryan
| Broken Saints animated epic
| Shada, by Douglas Adams
| Database of Successful Strategies and Tactics
| Haystack MIT portalish thing
| Nietzche quotes
| Public Library of Science
| Dijkstra
| Marsyas (music recognition)
| Spiritual Robot Symposium
| Cryptome
| Aspect-Oriented Programming
| WhittleBit search engine
| LovingKindness Survival Kit
| Universal Currency Converter
| Devil's Dictionary (v2)
| IBM Speech Demo
| Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
| Language Construction Kit
| Carmina Gadelica
| AndStuff
| Perl Advent
| EarthCalendar
| Alphebetizer
| 2020 Site Trees
| The Golden Apple
| trig identities
| Sex tips for geeks
| US Election Atlas
| Economic Policy Institute
| Fundrace
| TechnoPagan Webring
| Positive Athiesm
| Spirt Online gods list
| Electoral Vote Projection
| Snapdragon witty buttons
| Official US Time
| Fluid Flow Art
| Kate Monk's Onomastikon - names
| Colorado Revised Statutes
| STD VCards
| Valley View Availability
| County stats
| National Survey of Recent College Graduates
| Newspaper clipping generator
| Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
| Complete Works of Darwin
| I Ching Wilhelm translation
| SQL Reserved Words
| LogoWiki JavaScript Logo
| Skeapeasy Speed Test
| Family Search by LDS
| Practical Common Lisp
| InciWeb wildfires
| The Fuck It Diet
| ©/Public Domain Chart
| Flowing Data
| Tao Te Ching simplified characters
| Polyglot program
| Spam architecture
| Hi-res brain
| Wordle word clouds
| 538 electoral projections
| Structure and Interpretation of Programs
| Unicode CLDR
| Web Palette
| Barbie finite state machine
| Wrangl
| SC trello
| Quandl data
| Food unit converter
| Surrealist Compliment Generator