* Beltaine - May 1, 2002 * Themes Winter/Summer transition Cold - warm Bare - flower Closed - open (windows, etc.) Livestock migration Spring/Summer transition child - adult Misc Relighting fires Spontaneity Union Faice Painting, Music, Mingling Quarter Calls Spirits of the East Denizens of air, wind, voice, music. Quiet your songs, still your breeze. Join us this Beltaine day. Spirits of the South Spirits of fire, warmth, excitement, passion. Douse your fires, leave your winter home. Join us, and you shall begin anew. Spirits of the West Voyagers of water, mountains, change, reflection. Slow your streams, make clear your waters. Join us at the center of the world. Spirits of the North Lovers of the earth, life, growth, strength. Stay your shovel, keep closed your blossoms. Join us and meet with your brethren. May Pole - use some chant Drama -- Hag -> Maiden, Brown -> Green Man -- mimed Crowd has encircled Brown Man and The Hag. Brown man and Hag start separated, close to the ground. They slowly stand, look about. See each other. Smile. Walk slowly together, eyes fixed on each other. Link arms, turn thrice. Separate and spiral widdershins, making a hand motion of breath into the air and hand motions of snow and leaves falling. Shiver, look at each other from across the circle, then kneel/lie down. Pause. Change from Hag to Maiden, Brown Man to Green Man. Rise slowly. Hand motions to raise flowers, grass. Standing, make hand motions to signify trees gaining leaves, as they spiral to meet. Link arms, turn thrice. Produce dagger and chalice. Both hold both tools as they plunge the dagger into the chalice. Spiral dance/Flower blossoming Historical/Theoretical Pass Through the Fires Quarter Dismissal Spirits of the North We thank you for your presence. Go forth and blossom, Your Earth tilled. Spirits of the West We thank you for your presence. May you run quickly, Bring relief in the heat. Spirits of the South We thank you for your presence. Return in our hearts, Rekindled with passion. Spirits of the East We thank you for your presence. Spread the news to all, Summer has arrived! Cone of Power Dance/Socialize/Food