INCIDENT REPORT Filed: Mon Apr 9 14:18:17 2001 Filed by: Jillian Sayre Sent to: Kevin Pugh Copies to: Saved as: Sunday April 8, 2:30am Day: Sunday Date: 04/08/01 Time: 2:30 AM Location: Outside Cock. Participant(s) Address Phone # Coop? Birthdate unknown males (6) Cockrell not given not given Breann Stoboll Hallett 339 not given yes not given Reporter Name Address Phone Title Date Jillian Sayre BRKT 118 6-2295 RA 2/9/01 Description of incident: Returning home I encountered a group of males and one female outside Cockrell, the entrance closest to the Math building. One had climbed on top of the entrance while the others encouraged him and took pictures of him. When I approached them, the male on top of the doorway jumped into the bush next to the trash bin and ran off. He was of medium height and with brown hair. Two other spectators left directly after I asked for IDs, one was tall, brown hair and blue shirt. When none of them could provide me with IDs, I told them that if they were trespassing I would need to involve the police at which time all of the remaining men admitted to living in Cockrell and left and entered the building without giving me their names or room numbers. One was short/medium height thin and blond and another was a larger brunnette with a sunburned face with goggle marks. The female was the only participant who cooperated, giving me her name and room number and following me to the Aden office so I could write it down. She was not directly involved in the actions of the males but was talking with a member of the crowd separately. Breann told me she did not know the boys jumping off the building except for one named Bryan who lives in Cockrell. I think her name is misspelled, I cannot find it in the student database A copy of this report has been archived at,_2:30am.txt