The following is a list of cards which are Strict Jade legal but which may not have a "Jade Bug." The set in which the card originally appeared is also listed. In cases where a card's name was changed in Jade Edition, the old name has been listed. Contact with errors or omissions. Compiled with the help of Natsune at Current through Ambition's Debt. Fire and Shadow update soon. *** Actions *** "Enough Talk!" (SL) A Moment of Truth AoD (AoD) A Stout Heart (SL) Accessible Terrain (SL) Along the Coast at Midnight (CJ) Ambush (IE) Another Time (SL) Arrows From the Woods (SL) Avoid Fate (IE) Bad Kharma (CJ) Block Supply Lines (IE) Bountiful Harvest (IE) Breach of Etiquette (IE) Brilliant Victory (IE) Careful Planning (IE) Charge (IE) Chi Strike (TOV) Confusion at Court (SL) Contentious Terrain (IE) Coordinated Fire (TOV) Cornered (AoD) Counterattack (IE) Court Jester (SL) Crushing Attack (FK) Daisho Technique (AoD) Deadly Ground (IE) Defend Your Honor (SL) Defenders of the Realm (SCC2) Disfavored (AoD) Disharmony (FK) Dispersive Terrain (IE) Diversionary Tactics (FK) Encircled Terrain (IE) Enlightenment (FK) Entrapping Terrain (IE) Explosives (IE) Extortion (CJ) False Alliance (SL) Familiar Surroundings (TOV) Fatal Mistake (TOV) Focus (IE) Frenzy (IE) Geisha Assassin (IE) He's Mine (SL) Higher Ground (FK) Iaijutsu Challenge (IE) Iaijutsu Duel (IE) Inner Fire (CJ) Investigation (IE) Kharmic Strike (IE) Kolat Assassin (IE) Kolat Interference (AoD) Kolat Master (IE) Lessons from the Past (TOV) Lies, Lies, Lies... (AoD) Marries a Barbarian (IE) Narrow Ground (CJ) Nemesis (FK) Night Battle (AoD) Ninja Kidnapper (FK) Ninja Thief (IE) Oath of Fealty (IE) Outflank (IE) Plans Within Plans (TOV) Poisoned Weapon (IE) Political Distraction (SCC1) Rallying Cry (IE) Refugees (AoD) Remorseful Seppuku (IE) Resist Magic (IE) Retreat (IE) Ring of Air (IE) Ring of Earth (IE) Ring of Fire (IE) Ring of the Void (IE) Ring of Water (IE) Rise, Brother (AoD) Shadowlands Sickness (SL) Shame (IE) Sneak Attack (IE) Stance of the Mountain (TOV) Stand Against the Waves (CJ) Stand Firm (CJ) Street to Street (SCC3) Strength of Purity (IE) Strike with No-Thought (FK) Superior Tactics (IE) Suspended Terrain (IE) Test of Honor (IE) Test of Might (SL) The Arrow Knows the Way (FK) The Code of Bushido (SL) The Final Breath (FK) The Turtle's Shell (SL) To Avenge Our Ancestors (AoD) Toturi is Drugged (SCC1) Traversable Terrain (IE) Treacherous Terrain (AoD) Troops from the Woods (TOV) Way of Deception (IE) Wounded in Battle (SL) *** Events *** Alliance (IE) Architects of the Wall (CJ) As the Shadow Falls (AoD) Chrysanthemum Festival (IE) Corruption of the Harmonies (AoD) Dragon Sword is Broken (FK) Emperor's Peace (IE) Evil Feeds Upon Itself (IE) Glimpse of the Unicorn (IE) Hurricane (IE) Imperial Gift (IE) Inheritance (IE) Iris Festival (IE) Occult Murders (IE) Peasant Revolt (IE) Proposal of Peace (IE) Rise of the Phoenix (IE) Setsuban Festival (SL) Test of the Emerald Champion (IE) The Fair Voice of Lies (SCC2) The First Scroll is Opened (SCC1) The Tao of the Naga (AoD) There is No Hope (AoD) Unexpected Allies (IE) *** Followers *** Archers (IE) Ashigaru (SL) Battering Ram Crew (IE) Elite Heavy Infantry (TOV) Elite Light Infantry (TOV) Elite Medium Infantry (TOV) Goblin Berserkers (FK) Goblin Sneaks (TOV) Heavy Cavalry (IE) Heavy Infantry (IE) Horsebowmen (TOV) Imperial Honor Guard (AoD) Imperial Palace Guard (SCC1) Kenku Teacher (CJ) Light Cavalry (IE) Light Infantry (IE) Mantis Budoka (FK) Mantis Bushi (SL) Medium Cavalry (IE) Medium Infantry (IE) Mounts (CJ) Naga Bowmen (IE) Naga Bushi (IE) Naga Guard (AoD) Naga Spearmen (IE) Ninja Genin (IE) Ogre Warriors (FK) Peasant Levies (CJ) Pikemen (FK) Plague Zombies (SL) Ratling Bushi (IE) Ratling Conscripts (SL) Ratling Pack (IE) Samurai Cavalry (IE) Samurai Warriors (IE) Scout (IE) Shield Wall (FK) Skeletal Archers (SL) Skeletal Troops (IE) Spearmen (IE) Spirit Guide (IE) Swamp Spirits (SCC3) Zombie Troops (IE) *** Holdings *** Barbican (IE) Basecamp (AoD) Black Market (FK) Blacksmiths (IE) Bridged Pass (CJ) Bushi Dojo (FK) Copper Mine (IE) Corrupt Geisha House (TOV) Corrupted Iron Mine (SL) Corrupted Silver Mine (AoD) Diamond Mine (IE) Dragon's Teeth (CJ) Fantastic Gardens (IE) Forest (IE) Gambling House (SL) Garrison (SCC1) Geisha House (SL) Go Master (IE) Gold Mine (IE) Hawks and Falcons (IE) Iron Mine (IE) Island Wharf (CJ) Jade Works (IE) Market Place (IE) Master of the Tea Ceremony (IE) The Master Painter (SCC3) Master Smith (IE) Ningyo (FK) Ninja Stronghold (IE) Oracle of Earth (IE) Oracle of Fire (IE) Oracle of the Void (TOV) Oracle of Water (IE) Oracle of Wind (IE) Pearl Bed (SL) Pearl Divers (IE) Pitch and Fire (AoD) Port (IE) Prayer Shrines (CJ) Retired General (IE) Sake Works (IE) Sanctified Temple (IE) School of Wizardry (IE) Silver Mine (IE) Small Farm (IE) Stables (IE) The Festering Pit of Fu Leng (SL) Tomb of Iuchiban (AoD) Trading Grounds (AoD) Tunnel System (CJ) Unscalable Walls (IE) *** Items *** Armor of Osano-Wo (SCC1) Armor of Sun-Tao (IE) Armor of the Golden Samurai (IE) Bloodsword (IE) Bo Stick (AoD) Climbing Gear (IE) Fan of Command (IE) Jade Bow (IE) Naginata (IE) Night Medallion (IE) No-Dachi (FK) Ryokan's Sword (TOV) Shuriken of Serpents (IE) Star of Laramun (IE) Tetsubo (SL) Wakizashi (SL) *** Kiho *** A Glimpse of the Soul's Shadow (CJ) Ancestral Guidance (CJ) Catching the Wind's Favor (CJ) Double Chi (CJ) Fist of the Earth (CJ) Freezing the Lifeblood (SCC1) Fury of the Earth (SCC2) Gift of the Wind (CJ) Kaze-Do (TOV) Led from the True Path (SCC2) Master of the Rolling River (CJ) One with the Elements (TOV) Piercing the Soul (SCC2) Strength of My Ancestors (CJ) The Purity of Shinsei (CJ) The Sight of Death (TOV) The Soul Goes Forth (SCC1) The Touch of Amaterasu (TOV) The Wrath of Osano-Wo (CJ) Touching the Soul (SCC2) Unattuned (TOV) Void Strike (CJ) *** Personalities (nonexperienced unless otherwise noted) *** Agasha Gennai (TOV) Agasha Tamori (IE) Akodo Kage (IE) Akodo Kage exp (AoD) Akodo Toturi inexp (SCC3) Asahina Tamako (IE) Asahina Tomo (IE) Asahina Tomo exp (CJ) Ashamana (CJ) Ashlim (SL) Balash (SL) Bayushi Aramoro (SL) Bayushi Dozan (SCC1) Bayushi Goshiu (SL) Bayushi Goshiu exp (TOV) Bayushi Hisa (SL) Bayushi Hisa exp (TOV) Bayushi Kachiko (IE) Bayushi Kachiko exp (AoD) Bayushi Kachiko exp2 (TOV) Bayushi Kachiko inexp (SCC1) Bayushi Yojiro (SCC2) Bayushi Yokuan (SCC1) Daidoji Sembi (AoD) Daidoji Uji (IE) Daidoji Uji exp (AoD) Dairya exp (FK) Dairya (PRO) Dashmar (SL) Dashmar exp (TOV) Doji Chomei (TOV) Doji Kuwanan (FK) Doji Kuwanan exp (TOV) Doji Reju (CJ) Doji Shizue (TOV) Eshru (TOV) Genzo (CJ) Ginawa (IE) Ginawa exp (CJ) Goblin Warmonger (IE) Goblin Wizard (TOV) Heichi Chokei (IE) Hida Amoro (IE) Hida Amoro exp (TOV) Hida O-Ushi (SL) Hida O-Ushi exp (TOV) Hida Sukune (IE) Hida Sukune exp (PRO) Hida Tadashiro (TOV) Hida Tampako (IE) Hida Tsuru (IE) Hida Unari (AoD) Hida Yakamo (IE) Hida Yakamo exp (CJ) Hida Yakamo exp2 (TOV) Hirariko (AoD) Hiruma Osuno (SCC3) Hiruma Yoshi (CJ) Hisa (IE) Hizuka (TOV) Hoseki (AoD) Ikoma Kaoku (SL) Ikoma Ryozo (CJ) Ikoma Tsanuri (FK) Ikoma Tsanuri exp (TOV) Isawa Kaede (IE) Isawa Norikazu (CJ) Isawa Osugi (AoD) Isawa Sze (SCC2) Isha (SL) Isha exp (TOV) Iuchi Karasu (IE) Iuchi Karasu exp (TOV) Iuchi Katta (SCC1) Kage exp2 (TOV) Kaiu Suman (FK) Kakita Ichiro (CJ) Kakita Toshimoko (IE) Kakita Toshimoko exp (FK) Kakita Yoshi (IE) Kakita Yoshi exp (TOV) Kamoto (AoD) Kanbe (CJ) Kappuksu exp (TOV) Kitsu Motso (SL) Kitsu Motso exp (CJ) Kitsu Okura (TOV) Kitsuki Yasu (IE) Komaro (TOV) Kuni Yori (IE) Kuni Yori exp (FK) Kyoso no Oni (IE) Mamoru (SL) Masasue (CJ) Matsu Agetoki (IE) Matsu Agetoki exp (TOV) Matsu Goemon (CJ) Matsu Hiroru (IE) Matsu Hiroru exp (TOV) Matsu Seijuro (AoD) Matsu Toshiro (FK) Matsu Turi (TOV) Mirumoto Daini (IE) Mirumoto Daini exp (FK) Mirumoto Hitomi (IE) Mirumoto Hitomi exp (SL) Mirumoto Hitomi exp2 (TOV) Mirumoto Sukune (IE) Mirumoto Taki (SL) Morito (IE) Moshi Wakiza (IE) Moshi Wakiza exp (TOV) Moto Sada (CJ) Moto Tsume (IE) Moto Tsume exp (CJ) Mukami (CJ) Naga Shugenja (IE) Naga Warlord (IE) Naka Kuro (IE) Necromancer (IE) Necromancer exp (TOV) Ninja Shapeshifter (IE) Ninja Shapeshifter inexp (SCC2) Ninja Spy (IE) Ogre Bushi (IE) Oni no Akuma (IE) Oni no Ugulu (TOV) Otaku Baiken (AoD) Otaku Kamoko (IE) Otaku Kamoko exp (SL) Otaku Kamoko exp2 (TOV) Pennaggolan (SL) Qamar (SL) Qamar exp (TOV) Radakast (AoD) Radakast exp (TOV) Ryosei (CJ) Sanado (SCC1) Sanzo (IE) Shagara (SL) Shahadet exp (FK) Shalasha (CJ) Shashakar (AoD) Shiba Kyo (SCC3) Shiba Shingo (CJ) Shiba Tetsu (SL) Shiba Tsukune (IE) Shiba Tsukune exp (TOV) Shinjo Morito exp (AoD) Shinjo Sanetama (TOV) Shinjo Shirasu (TOV) Shinjo Tashima (CJ) Shinjo Tsuburo (SL) Shinjo Yasamura (IE) Shinjo Yasamura exp (TOV) Shinjo Yokatsu (IE) Shinjo Yokatsu inexp (SCC1) Shioda (SCC1) Shosuro Taberu (SL) Soshi Taoshi (SCC1) Suana (CJ) Takao (CJ) Takuan (AoD) Takuni (CJ) Togashi Hoshi (IE) Togashi Jodome (CJ) Togashi Kokujin (AoD) Togashi Mitsu (IE) Togashi Mitsu exp (CJ) Togashi Yoshi (IE) Togashi Yoshi exp (TOV) Toku (IE) Toku exp (TOV) Toturi (IE) Toturi exp (AoD) Toturi exp2 (TOV) Tsuruchi (FK) Tsuyu (TOV) Yasuki Nokatsu (SL) Yasuki Taka (IE) Yasuki Taka exp (TOV) Yodin (AoD) Yodin exp (TOV) Yogo Shidachi (SCC1) Yoritomo (CJ) Yoritomo exp (TOV) *** Regions *** Beiden Pass (FK) Clan Heartland (CJ) Crossroads (FK) Farmlands (FK) Flatlands (FK) Fortified Coast (AoD) Inaccessible Region (AoD) Mountain Pass (FK) Plains Above Evil (SCC1) Plains of the Emerald Champion (SCC3) River Delta (TOV) Sanctified Ground (TOV) Swamplands (FK) The Kaiu Walls (FK) Wetlands (AoD) *** Spells *** Biting Steel (IE) Earthquake (IE) Force of Will (SL) Secrets on the Wind (IE) Stifling Wind (AoD) Sympathetic Energies (SL) The Fire from Within (SL) The Fires That Cleanse (FK) Tomb of Jade (SL) Touch of Death (IE) Walking the Way (IE) *** Strongholds *** Ancient Halls of the Akodo (SCC3) Brotherhood of Shinsei (CJ) The Esteemed House of the Crane (IE) The Great Walls of Kaiu (TOV) The Hidden Temples of the Naga (SL) The Mountain Keep of the Dragon (IE) The Provincial Estate of the Unicorn (IE) The Ruins of Isawa Castle (TOV) The Shadow Stronghold of the Bayushi (SCC1) The Yoritomo Alliance (CJ) Toturi's Army (AoD) Yogo Junzo's Army (AoD)